
Plastic Surgery Thailand

Global Health Travel

Thigh Lift in Thailand

Imagine …….. no more rashes and skin problems !
Imagine ….…. being able to fit into smaller pants !
Imagine …….. showing off you Tight Legs !!

A Thailand thigh lift (Thailand Thigh lift, Thailand Thighplasty, Thailand Thigh Liposuction) is a surgical procedure to remove excess, flabby skin on the thighs. With a thigh or lower body lift, it is possible to tighten skin and give your legs a smoother, shapelier contour.

You may exercise and this will help with muscle definition but only a Thigh Lift will make your Skin Tight.

A Thailand Thigh lift procedure is used to shape and sculpt the inner and outer thighs / remove excess skin found on the inner face of the thighs, hip or buttocks areas. This type of operation is required after large weight loss or simply as we age, the skin of the upper leg sags and loses tone as a result of a normal aging process.

A Thailand Thigh lift is a surgical procedure done under general anaesthesia. Incisions can be placed in the natural crease between the thigh and pubic area. In patients with massive weight loss, a vertical incision down the inside part of the thigh may be required. In such cases Drains may be used.

The surgery’s aim is to reduce the subcutaneous fat tissue and the excess skin to obtain a firm and round limb. Leg liposuction is often used as part of this surgery. This procedure is also known as “cruroplasty” for the thighs (and “brachioplasty” for the arms). Liposuction should provide you with smoother skin and with less lumpiness underneath the skin and better proportioned contours of the thighs.

You may also desire this procedure if your skin in the thigh area is saggy, has an orange peel, flabby and/or dimpled appearance. This type of surgery may also be recommended if your thigh appearance improves dramatically when you lift the lax skin. The procedure is intended to produce tighter, more attractive thigh and buttock skin with improved contours and decrease irregularities in skin surface.

Meeting Your Expectations

During your veneers consultation, you will actively participate in the “smile design process.” By sharing your preferences for the shape, length, width and colour of the veneers and the change in the appearance of your smile that you want them to create, you help ensure that your veneer treatment will meet your expectations.


There are various techniques for reshaping and remodelling the thighs and legs. For patients with localised fatty deposits then liposuction is the technique that produces the best results.

Most surgical techniques focus on excision of excess skin and tightening what remains. Scars may be hidden, but may also be visible.

For patients with very thin legs who want better-proportioned legs, augmentation is possible either using the fat transfer technique or by inserting silicone implants. A thigh lift will elevate and remove lax excess skin and fat of the anterior and medial thigh.

A Thigh Lift Cost in Thailand

Thigh Lift (Medial) 4-5 hour operation in a Tier 1 Thai Hospital
Thigh Lift (Lateral) 4-5 hour operation in a Tier 1 Thai Hospital
Cost Australia Medial Lift $15 - $20,000
Cost Thailand Medial Lift $4 -5000 approx (guide only)
Cost Australia Lateral Lift $15 - $20,000
Cost Thailand Lateral Lift $4 -5000 approx (guide only)
Recuperation 10 - 14 days after surgery in the town of surgery
Hospital Stay After the operation you will have to stay in hospital for 2 -3 days.

After Your Thailand Surgery

Usually you are required to wear a compression garment (similar to an elastic support girdle) at the end of surgery to reduce swelling and assist in the natural shrinking and tightening of the skin. With smaller thigh lifts, discomfort is usually easily controlled with prescribed pain medication.

With larger thigh lifts, one or two or three nights in hospital may be required. Bruising and swelling usually subsides within a month, strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 6 weeks and almost all symptoms are gone in 4-6 months.

Transform Your Body by contacting us NOW for your Thailand Thigh Lift !